Posts with News tag
There are 3.484 billion active social media users and 3.256 billion mobile social media users and an increase of 9% and 10% retrospectively on last year. These statistics are phenomenal, and so is the data and marketing potential that comes with it. Any business can improve their sales and marketing efforts by tapping into social media and building core followers through high-quality content....
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Real estate in the UAE and Dubai in particular have maintained strong levels of returns even in the most difficult circumstances and crises, and Dubai today tops the list of the fastest cities to recover from the corona pandemic, and is also a safe haven for all segments to live, work and invest.The real estate market in Dubai has achieved remarkable growth in 2021, and 2022 will see the continuat...
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Today more than any other day before we spend the most of our life on social media, to connect with others, engage, shop online, learn and further more. Which gives businesses the opportunity to digitally advertise their brands and products.What Is Social Media Marketing?“Social media marketing (SMM) is using social media platforms as channels for brand promotion, target audience growth, driving w...
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